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Discord is Building an Empire Of Bots

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Over the past few years, Discord has been quietly building its own platform based on bots. As of the current day, more than 30% of Discord servers use bots, with 430 000 of them being used every week. Since bots have become an integral part of Discord’s platform, the company has decided to further embrace them through the ability to search for bots on Discord.

In Spring next year, Discord will introduce a new app discovery feature. The approximate 12,000 verified apps and bots will be discoverable through this feature.

Bots, Bots, Bots

Discord bots posses power on the platform; they offer a wide range of customisation for servers where owners can make use of them to help moderate servers or offer unique features to their communities.

Discord has been steadily improving their API for developers, making it easier and more efficient to learn how to use a bot. Recent additions include:

The app discovery feature will make finding Discord bots far easier than it has been in the past. Users will no longer have to rely on using third-party websites or search engines. Last but not least, Discord is also making it easier to add bots to servers through an “Add to Server” button on the profile of bots.

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