Gotta Go Fast

Having gone from not knowing anything it, to it being used across the globe in the past few weeks, Zoom has become the go-to Video Conferencing service due to its ease of use and not needing an app to use it.

Due to the sudden uptake in Zoom users, there has also been an uptake in the number of people finding exploits and vulnerabilities in the software.

The recent trend of Zoombombing, where a random person will find the link to a Zoom conference and joining and disrupting Zoom meetings uninvited and sharing shocking or even pornographic content, has become quite troublesome to some businesses.

Zoom will be turning on passwords and waiting rooms for meetings by default for users on its free tier and those with a single license on its cheapest paid tier in an effort to help prevent “Zoombombing”

Zoom usage has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic as people have turned to the free video conferencing service to stay in contact with friends, family, colleagues, and even their yoga teachers. But that increased usage has also made the platform a target for hacks, pranks, and harassment, often through Zoombombing. The issue has become serious enough that US federal prosecutors are now warning there could be serious legal implications for Zoombombing perpetrators.

Social Snack Bar
Social Snack Bar
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